
Age 32, Male

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Just for you bigmac :]

Posted by RetardedNINJA666 - June 19th, 2008

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too emo, unaudiable, makes no sense, all about rape and murder. it all is crap. slipknot, well, you can understand it, its not about killing, raping or toturing any1 "dismemberd and rotten and fucked in your grave" that is sick. if you were not a small friend of mine, i would say you are pretty sick, but then again, Marco is pretty fucking awsome but slpknot beat him again, joey jordason was voted the best drummer on the face of the planet in 2008 so, i think the term is, F'ed in the A

Slipknot is about self mutilation friend.

I am hated off the Iowa album?

Talk about emo.

"I want to slit your throat and fuck the wound." -slipknot
"Fix my problems with the blade While my eyes turn from blue to gray" -slipknot
"Shallow skin, I can paint with pain I mark the trails on my arms with your disdain" -slipknot

F'ed in the A

i will not be suprised if you end up on americas most wanted =)

i will not be suprised if you end up on scotlands most wanted =)

dont forget "i cut my name into my face so i remember" but some of the sit in ur music...is fucked.....really disturbing, and no jk. im not takin the piss or anything, but it is sick

Haha of course it's fucked up, that makes it cool :D

and your are forget im not emo

Neither am i sir.

and thanks for saying its 4 meh XD

Well of course :D

and sorry to keep going on but i am hated is a emo track, there are another 2, called vermillion in 2 parts. you can find demon meh blog. the rest of is is, well, hatred i guess, not so much self-harming =) neither is your music, but its about rape, torture, murder and wraping up girls in ducktape....gotta ask helen 2 try that 1 out

Yes i used to be a maggot as well.
Who wasn't?

I guess i just kinda grew out of that stage and into a new genre of music.



IM BACK MOTHER FUCKER!!!! make a bebo and send meh your link on ng. i will add yer to mer friends and then you will never miss a secon of wtf is going on. yeasterday i put my head tyhrough a window and the other guy came pout worse =)

Why would you do that without me there?!?!

god fucking knows. i got glass in my forhead and scared the shit out of the other guy. lol, and i tatooed myself wth a bowie knife and aa biro. i was so tempted to carve "clair is a slut" but it as t long and i was loosign blodd fast ;) but dot try it at home kids, unless you have a high pain threshhold, then its fucking fun!

Dude tell me about it, i have story's that would rock your world.

<a href="http://www.bebo.com/Profile.jsp?MyProfile=Y">http://www.bebo.com/Profile.jsp?MyPro file=Y</a> check it out =) and im not actually jewish incase you wonder, it is a title tat will stay wit me till i die beacause of my nose =) its not a jew nose, its just....kinda.....big...i guess

I wanna see the tat.

select home at the top, go to the to do list and select friend invites or wtevr, and accet rory the amazing jew =)

Oh you got it.

ninja's r kool but retarded ninjas are the awesomeness

Yes. They r.

guns dont kill people, ninjas do

Im pretty sure bigmac's clog yer arteries fool :3

yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa

Oh yeah?

lol, FUCKING SUMMER FUCKING HOLIDAYS MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!1111one im goin 2 iceland =3-) its gonna be sweet

Oooo make sure you tell me about it :]

and get an msn plz, its easyer 2 talkto people who are 2000 miles away from you =)

To lazyyyy

i fight till nobody can fight me
i live and nobody can kill me
you pull and i push to far
the only problem is
the bottom line is
i fight for the ones who cant fight
and if i lose,

Oh? really?

meh, anyway, i will put some pictures from iceland when my fucking camera work =) my friend dared me to stick my head down a iser. its stupid but i think this is what my life has been leading up to


sorry guiser. its those things that explode and loads of water goes everywere =)

You put your face in a guiser?

I think thats against regulation.

not much music here.... my blog has more....


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